
What kind of creatures live in the ocean? This exhibit introduces a wide range of marine creatures, from fish, turtles, and dolphins that live alongside beautiful coral reefs to deep-sea creatures that live quietly at the bottom of the ocean.

What kind of creatures live in the ocean? This exhibit introduces a wide range of marine creatures, from fish, turtles, and dolphins that live alongside beautiful coral reefs to deep-sea creatures that live quietly at the bottom of the dark ocean. Enjoy the world of the sea, which shows various faces depending on habitat through activities such as sketch aquariums, 3D art, touch the fish games, virtual aquariums, and more.


    • 2016 Marine Creatures Exhibition(Hands-On Science Museum / Aichi Prefecture)
    • 2017 The Magic of the Moon and the Coral Sea Exhibition(Himeji Science City Museum / Hyogo Prefecture)
    • 2018 Marine Creatures Exhibition(Saitama Municipal Youth Astronomical Museum / Saitama Prefecture)
    • 2018 Marine Creatures Exhibition(Apita Matsuto Store / Ishikawa Prefecture)